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Adelaide – Crawford Lane – from lane to place, SA

The University of Adelaide - Semester 2 2019.

Project Description

Crawford Lane links busy Port Rd with the Hindmarsh Stadium, home of Adelaide Utd FC. Charles Sturt Council has already carried out community engagement to facilitate the Hindmarsh Placemaking Masterplan. Council would like to work with U of Adelaide students to critique this process and use the results to develop and present a range of design concepts to improve the laneway. Currently the Lane is not heavily used apart from on match days when it forms a critical link between Hindmarsh Stadium and the public transit network. However, a current building renovation by a major education provider alongside the laneway will increase foot traffic considerably. The intention is that the concept designs will be displayed at a community event in October 2018 where residents and local business owners can evaluate the schemes. Council will implement works on the lane using ideas from the students’ designs.


Learning Methodology

This studio is run as a 3 hour class each week for 8 weeks followed by an intensive studio with 4 full days of contact. The students will work in the university studio accommodation. In week one council staff will introduce the project. Week two will be devoted to a site visit and introduction, including contact with surrounding site owners. Existing community engagement outcomes will be analysed using materials developed for Place Agency Module 3; Community Engagement. Classes and practical exercises on site and context analysis, tactical urbanism and SWOT analysis will lead to the development of individual design visions. Students will then coalesce into small groups to develop a detailed design concept. This will be displayed and critiqued by both Council staff and the local community.
It is expected that students enrolling into this studio will be able to develop the following placemaking skills:

1. Identify economic, environmental and social problems in an urban plac

2. Work in collaboration with local stakeholders and community to address local urban and/or landscape issues.

3. Analyse an urban and/or landscape design problem and evaluate its possible solutions.

4. Respond to problems within an urban and/or landscape area with appropriate urban and/or landscape design techniques.

5. Apply appropriate representation techniques for urban analysis, urban design and/or landscape design.

6. Communicate an urban and/or landscape design proposal to a public and peer audience through appropriate presentation techniques.

How does this studio match PlaceAgency Objectives?

The studio ethos is based on a practical placemaking approach which takes evidence from council, community engagement activities and professional experience provided by the industry partner (Aspect Studios) to develop design concepts which are then tested against community aspirations. Technical skill development in design presentation supports an emphasis on working with the client (in this case both the Local council and the local community). These aspects clearly support and reflect the aims of the Place Agency project.

Activities – Studio Outline

Activity Description Key dates for activities Key learning objectives
Week 1 Introduction to project 24 July understand brief
Week 2 Site visit 31 July familiarise with site
Week 3 Community engagement analysis 7 August explore engagement techniques and outcomes
Week 4 Spatial analysis 14 August site based analysis
Week 5 Activity analysis 21 August site based analysis
Week 6 Tactical urbanism 28 August explore engagement techniques
Week 7 SWOT analysis 4 September multi dimensional analysis
Week 8 Concept vison 11 September designand presentation techniques
week 9 intensive Concept design 17-20 Sept project delivery
Post project public engagemnt event 26 October explore engagement techniques


The following students are enrolled in this studio and have chosen to appear on the Place Agency website. You may access more information about them and their interests by clicking each of their photos.

This subject is available to students enrolled in The University Of Melbourne throughout Semester 2 2019. You can access the handbook by clicking here where you will be able to find more information about the studio.

Lecturer/Studio Leade

Jon Kellet option 1 crop

Jon Kellet

Project champion

Navian Iseut

Navian Iseut


  • Architecture
  • Landscape Architecture
  • Planning